
2008-03-13 8:34 pm

回答 (1)

2008-03-13 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案

離職聲明 (English version)


This is to announce that (your company name) ("this Company") caased to employ Mr/Ms/Miss (terminated staff), (title of the post) of this company , on (Effective Date of termination) and Mr/Ms/Miss (surname of terminated staff) 's duties will be terminated immediately. This Company will not be liabable or responsible for any future matters related to Mr/Ms/Miss (surname of terminated staff).

From the moment of this annourcement onwards, Mr/Ms/Miss (surname of terminated staff) will no longer have the power to exercise any duties on behalf of this Company or to perform any acts to which this Company is bound, whether under the personal identity of "(title of the post for terminated staff)" or "employee" of this Company.

Thank you for your attention.

(Your Director's Name)
(Your Company Name)
(Date of Issue)

離職聲明 (Chinese version)

  本公司已於(離職日期)終止對(離職員工姓名) 先生/小姐/女士的聘用, 並於當日解除(離職員工姓氏) 先生/小姐/女士的"離職員工職位名稱"之一切職務。由即日起,(離職員工姓氏)先生/小姐/女士之一切金錢和華洋瓜葛,均與本公司無關。敬請留意。

  (離職員工姓名) 先生/小姐今後不能以本公司的"(離職員工職位名稱"或僱員身分代表本公司行使任何職權,或是任何對本公司構成約束的行為。

參考: Self Working Experience in HR Field plus Reference Book for Chinese Writing

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