
2008-03-13 8:27 pm
1. 片石氣冷措施 - 片石氣冷路基是在路基墊層之上設置一定厚度和空隙度的片石層,因片石層上下介面間存在溫度梯度,引起片石層內空氣的對流,熱交換作用以對流為主導,利用高原凍土區負積溫量值大於正積溫量值的氣候特點,加快了路基基底地層的散熱,取得降低地溫、保護凍土的效果。

2. 碎石(片石)護坡或護道措施 - 在路基一側或兩側堆填碎石或片石,形成護坡或護道。碎石(片石)護坡空隙內的空氣在一定溫度梯度作用下產生對流,寒季碎石(片石)內空氣對流換熱作用強烈,有利於地層散熱,暖季碎石(片石)內空氣對流作用減弱,對熱量的傳入產生遮罩作用,減少了暖季的傳熱,達到了降低地溫、保護凍土的效果

3. 通風管措施 - 在路基內橫向埋設水準通風管,冬季冷空氣在管內對流,加強了路基填土的散熱,有利於降低基底地溫,提高凍土的穩定性

4. 熱棒措施 - 熱棒是利用管內介質的氣液兩相轉換,依靠冷凝器與蒸發器之間的溫差,透過對流迴圈來實現熱量傳導的系統。青藏鐵路有32公里路基採用了熱棒措施

5. 此外還有遮陽棚、隔熱保溫、基底換填、路基排水、路橋過渡段、橋涵基礎等等。

回答 (1)

2008-03-14 12:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Riprap AACS - the stone tablets in the roadbed AACS roadbed on the setting of a certain cushion thickness and the degree of gap-rock, the rock tablet interface between the upper and lower temperature gradient, from the rock-air convection, heat exchange a convection dominated by negative temperature plateau permafrost zone temperature is greater than money-money climate characteristics, speed up the formation of the roadbed basement heat, the lower the temperature, the effect of the protection of permafrost.

2. Gravel (stone tablet) berm or berm measures - one or both sides in the roadbed landfill gravel, or stone tablets, a bank or berm. Lithotripsy (stone tablet) slope of the air gap to a certain temperature gradient generated under convection winter quarter lithotripsy (stone tablet) with strong air convection heat transfer is conducive to formation heat, warm gravel (stone tablet) air convection reduced role, the introduction of heat generated Cover, reduce the heat and warm to the lower temperature, the effect of the protection of permafrost

3. Ventilation control measures - planted in the roadbed in the standard horizontal ventilation tubes, in the cold of winter, convection, strengthening the roadbed fill the heat is conducive to reducing basal temperature, increase the stability of permafrost

4. Hot rods - the hot rod is the use of the media within the two-phase gas-liquid conversion, relying on the evaporator and condenser temperature difference between the through convection loop to achieve the heat conduction system. 32 km Qinghai-Tibet railway roadbed using hot rods measures

5. Also Zheyangpeng, insulation, basement replacement, subgrade drainage, road and bridge transition, the bridge foundation.
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