
2008-03-13 6:10 pm
想問大家l D問題點答...

1.What will you do if you have five hundred dollars ?

2.If you see some students smoking in school toilet , what should you do ?

3.Why do you choose this school ?

4.What things you don't like in Hong Kong?



回答 (4)

2008-03-13 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I will use five hundred dollers to buy some exercise books.

2. Tell him don't smoke in the school toilet

3.It is because your school's student is very good, teacher always help children to learn. (etc.)

4a.Hong Kong's pollution is extremely critcal.


4b.L like Hong Kong at all,nothing I don't like. (etc.)

2008-03-13 12:03:36 補充:
(etc.) means their are many reasonable answers

2008-03-22 16:43:41 補充:
If you answer 1. like this, people will think you are hard-working

2008-03-22 16:44:10 補充:
1. has many answers too

2008-03-22 16:47:11 補充:
If you answer 1. in different answers, you have to said some good things(e.g.donate to the poor children)Do not said something that is about relaxing(e.g.buy some computer games)No!
參考: , me, myself and my knowldge
2008-03-23 8:33 am
1.What will you do if you have five hundred dollars ?
I will buy things for my family.

2.If you see some students smoking in school toilet , what should you do ?
I will tell the teacher.

3.Why do you choose this school?

4.What things you don't like in Hong Kong?
The people smoking.
參考: myself
2008-03-13 9:35 pm
I will give it to the police. <1>

If I know him/her,I try to tell them smoke isn't good for them.If they don't listen to me,I will tell the teacher. <2>

<3> this is you own opinion~can't help

I don't like Hong Kong has too many high building and here doesn't has too many plants.If here has more plants,the air will more clear and people not easier to get sick.<4>

2008-03-13 13:37:48 補充:
For <1> I made some mistake......
If I have five hundred dollars,I may donate to some poor children.
2008-03-13 7:40 pm
1.What will you do if you have five hundred dollars ?
I will buy things for my family.

2.If you see some students smoking in school toilet , what should you do ?
I will tell the teacher.

3.Why do you choose this school?

4.What things you don&#39;t like in Hong Kong?
I don&#39;t like people smoking,doing discusting things in public place(such as 挖鼻屎), and sometimes restaurants are very crowded in Hong Kong.
參考: me

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