Resign Letter date ~

2008-03-13 6:09 pm
我想問我打resign letter, 想做埋8 May 就完, 即9 May 唔洗返工, 咁我下面underline 個日期應該係 8 May 定 9May ?

I regret to inform you that I decided toresign from my present position as Secretary with effective from 8 May 2008 OR 9 May 2008?

回答 (4)

2008-03-13 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你係想寫由幾時至幾時 , 你就要打8號 , 但如果想寫生效日期為幾時 , 就要打9號 .

9 April 2008 遞信 .
2008-03-13 6:15 pm
I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position
with effect from May 9, 2008
2008-03-13 6:13 pm
I regret to inform you that I decided to resign from my present position as Secretary with effective from 9 May 2008.
2008-03-13 6:13 pm
9 May 2008, 因為生效日期應由最後工作天後一日

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