grammar checking

2008-03-13 2:04 pm
It is said that God is the one who creates the universe, and He has the power to save His people in the world. Recently I read two books in the Holy Bible which are the Book of Judges and the Book of Judith, and I found out that the books presents God very differently, when the author describes the process of the saving from God. God is more active and well planned in the Book of Judges than the Book of Judith. In the Book of Judges, God is portrayed as a powerful character from telling the prophetess His plan to selling the commander of the Israelites’ enemies into a woman’s hand; however, in the Book of Judith, God is portrayed as an auxiliary character only hearing their prayers and approving their prayers in the last moment.

回答 (3)

2008-03-13 8:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is said that God is the One who created the universe, and He has the power to save His people in the world. Recently I have read two books in the Holy Bible, which are the Book of Judges and the Book of Judith, and I found out that the books present God very differently, when the authors describe the ways of God's saving / salvation. God (1) is more active and (2) has everything better planned in the Book of Judges than the Book of Judith. In the Book of Judges, God is portrayed as a powerful character, who told the prophetess His plan about selling the commander of the Israelites’ enemies into a woman’s hand; however, in the Book of Judith, God is portrayed as an auxiliary character, who only heard their prayers and approved their prayers in the last moment.

It is said that ~ Some people say that, 是正確的用語, 不必改為 It says.

如你個人認為上帝是你所相信及尊重的獨一真神, 則將與祂有關的一切代名詞用 CAPITAL letter 也是正確的.

神創造天地 (created the world) 是早已發生的事, 所以應用 past; 但祂愛世人 (loves people) 是祂一向的屬性, 所以可用 simple present.

基督教聖經並不包括 Book of Judith 的, 只將之視為「次經」; 天主教版本才包括此書在內.

記住是兩卷書, 兩個作者 authors

2008-03-13 12:16:05 補充:
... differently. WHEN the authors describe the ways of God's saving / salvation, God (1) is more active and (2) has everything better planned in the Book of Judges than the Book of Judith.
002 的朋友正確指出, differently 之後應開新句子的.

2008-03-13 12:17:39 補充:
此外, 你是針對書中記載的歷史事件, 所以應該用 past 較適合: God WAS ... the Book of ...

2008-03-13 12:18:59 補充:
因此, 第三行之後應全用 past

2008-03-13 12:21:21 補充:
你一開始提到的是一般人對上帝的說法, 可用simple present; 之後你說自己近來 (recently) 的經驗和發現, 可選擇 simple past 或 present perfect 來表違的, 個人較為建議用後者.
2008-03-13 5:07 pm
It says that God is the one who creates the universe, and He has the power to save the world. Recently, I read two books which are the Book of Judges and the Book of Judith, and I found out that the books presented God very differently. When the author described the process of the saving from God, God was more active and well planned in the Book of Judges than in the Book of Judith. In the Book of Judges, God was portrayed as a powerful character from telling the prophetess of His plan to sell the commander of the Israelites' enemies into a woman's hand; however, in the Book of Judith, God was portrayed as an auxiliary character only hearing their prayers and approving their prayers in the last moment.
2008-03-13 4:46 pm
It is said that God is the one who creates the universe, and he has the power to save his people in the world. Recently I read two books in the Holy Bible which are the Book of Judges and the Book of Judith and I found out that the books presents God very differently, when the author describes the process of the saving from God. God is more active and well planned in the Book of Judges than the Book of Judith. In the Book of Judges, God is described as a powerful character from telling the prophetess his plan to selling the commander of the Israelites enemies into a woman hand.However, in the Book of Judith, God is portrayed as an auxiliary character only hearing their prayers and approving their prayers in the last moment.


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