
2008-03-13 12:40 pm
我想去英國讀中學, RIGHT NOW grade 11,
想 SEPTEMBER,2008 (grade 12)
it is 6th form already, currently in Canada,Toronto studying,

回答 (4)

2008-03-14 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
若你現在在加拿大讀G.11, 是有可能在英國升Year 12的, 但要視乎學校, 因為他們一般要求學生提供公開試年績, 如GCSE/HKCEE.
但若果你成績很好, 或者某些比較距離LONDON遠少少的學校都可能會考慮的...但its all depends... 吾係一定架. 不過你最好早D開始試, 因為去英國讀書個D人一般好早就報了, 有D仲會一兩年前開始報名的.

希望以上資料有用, 如有問題, 可email我 [email protected]
參考: Myself
2008-03-13 8:29 pm
Why not continue to study in Toronto? The UK education system is quite different from Canada. In UK they still need to take A-Levels (public exams).

While in Toronto you only take normal examinations from your school.

May I ask which high school are you studying in now? As I have lived in Toronto for over 10 yrs and might be able to help you more.

PM me.
2008-03-13 2:04 pm
i m doin uni currently and have been to the UK for a while.
hmmm...i dont think it would be a problem.
when i first came here...i applied the school in the late july, it was just a bit rush..
and so...i think if u apply it now...should be fine
參考: me
2008-03-13 12:50 pm
(明報) 03月 07日 星期五 05:05AM



this might be a problem... as this news had told you already...

but i think it's ok.. not too late~~~ have you got an agent yet??
better to find agent to do it for you~~

so much easier

2008-03-13 04:51:54 補充:
by the way , you could go to year 12 as you will have finished year 11 right???
參考: studied in uk for 4 years

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