有關corporate social relationship and Social entrepreneurship

2008-03-13 7:37 am
想問下有冇人知corporate social relationship and Social entrepreneurship 兩者有咩difference..
最好answer in english..thz so much.... :)

回答 (1)

2008-03-17 7:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1---Corporate social relationship (CSR) is an obligation of organizations to
act in ways that serve both their own interests and the interest of their many external public. A business cannot succeed in a society which fails, so it is the
duty of a corporate to be responsible towards the society from which it derives its profit. The social
responsibility could include ecology and environmental quality, consumerism, corporate giving,
minorities and disadvantaged persons, labour relations, stockholder relations, and economic
activities or other need responsive interventions.

2---Social entrepreneurship is the work of a social entrepreneur, who recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a venture to make social change. Whereas a business entrepreneur typically measures performance in profit and return, a social entrepreneur assesses success in terms of the impact s/he has on society. While social entrepreneurs often work through nonprofits and citizen groups, many work in the private and governmental sectors.

Hope this help!
There is actually quite some information online that you can search for...

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