
2008-03-13 6:17 am
I was very sorrowful today.
My father was unemployment today.
So my family lost main financial resource.
I also had some problems, such as love problem, health problem and so on.
If I could free to choose, I just want these troubles will get out of life.
But it is impossible, finally reality is reality.
But I believe that adversity one day will disappear.
Never give up is my character.
Hope I can stick to my promise around the time and always think positive.

回答 (3)

2008-03-13 9:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
I [am] very sorrowful today.

因為 today 所以用現在式。

My father [is unemployed] today.

除了因為 today 外還要將名詞改為形容詞 [unemployed] 才正確。

So my family [losts the] main financial resource.

因為 my family 係數唔到,所以 [lost] 要加 [s],另外還要加 [the] 在名詞 [main financial resource] 前面才正確。

I also had some problems, such as [loving] problem, [healthy] problem and so on.

因為 love, health 係名詞,所以要改為形容詞 loving, healthy 才正確。

If I [can] free to choose, I just want these troubles will get out of life.

因為後面個 want 係現在式,所以 could 要改為 can 才對。

But it is impossible, [because] reality is reality.

這句用 because 會比較通順。

But I believe that [the] adversity [will disappear] one day.

名詞前面要加 the, 另外 [will disappear] 同 [one day] 調轉會比較通順。

Never [giving] up is my character.

因為 give 係動詞,而一句不能有兩個動詞,所以要改為名詞的 [giving]。

Hope I can stick to my promise around the time and always think [it is] positive.

這句漏左代名詞 [it is],不然的話便不通順了。

2008-03-13 02:03:06 補充:
So my family lost [the] main financial resource.

Oh sorry... 唔記得 lost 係過去式... 那麼錯處就只有加 [the] 在名詞 [main financial resource] 前面了。

2008-03-13 12:05:05 補充:
If I could free to choose, I [would hope that] these troubles [was getting] out of life [from me].

2008-03-13 12:26 pm
I think you have to re-write the composition, such as follow:

I was very upsad today because my father losts his job this morning. We are
all depend on his income to take care of the family. Other than this, I have loving and health issues, these problems draging me crazy. I just want these problems get off my back. In reality, this is not something I could do about it. I certainly hope these problems will be gone with the time clock. Aftermaths, I am a strong person and always think positive, I will be on my double again. I promise to myself to fight back and be a man to do the right thing.

Most of the answer from the other are good too. They explained very claerly for your mistake. I just reqwrite your story. Good luck.
2008-03-13 8:46 am
I was in deep sorrow today.
*You cannot use sorrowful since it is an adjective. You would need a noun after the sorrowful if you were desperate to use sorrowful.

My father was unemployed/fired today.

Thus, my family lost our primary source of income.

I also had other problems, such as love problem, health problem, etc.

If I could choose, I really wish that these troubles would just get out of my life.
*If you could choose, it automatically implies that you're free to choose. So, no need to put free. It makes it too repetitive and imprecise.

However, it is impossible/unattainable. After all, the reality is the reality/the reality is the truth.

Nevertheless, I believe that adversity will one day vanish.

I’ll never lose hope/ Never give up is my principle in life.

I sincerely hope that I can stick to my promise and think optimistically/positively at all times.

*I suspect that the sentences are supposed to be in a paragraph. If so, the following should be more suitable. I added transition words to make the paragraph flows.

I am in deep sorrow today because my father got fired, which means my family lost our primary source of income. Aside from the financial setback, I also have other dilemmas such as love problem, health problem, etc. If I could choose, I really wish that these troubles would just get out of my life. However, it is simply an unattainable desire. After all, the reality is the truth. Nevertheless, I believe that adversity will one day vanish. I will never lose hope. Never give up is my principle in life — now and forever on. I sincerely hope that I can stick to my promise and think optimistically at all times.

I hope my input helps!

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