小兒Oral test

2008-03-13 5:11 am
1. Where did you go during the Easter holiday?

2. Who did you go with?

3. what did you do?

4. How did you feel?

5. What do you like to do in summer holiday?

6. What is your favourite hobby?

7. What is your favourite subject? Why?

8. Where do you have (your favourite subject) lessons?

9. Where is it?

10.Where is the (e.g. library)?

11.What can you do there?

12.What do you want to do when you grow up?

13.Do you want to be a good citizen? Why?

14.What should you do to be a good citizen?

15.What birthday present will you buy for your father? Why?

16.Where can I buy a drink when I am thirsty?

17.Do you put your litter in the bin? Why?

18.What can you help at school / home?

19.Do you think you can grow watermelons in your house? Why?

20.What did you do in your last camp?

回答 (2)

2008-03-13 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Where did you go during the Easter holiday?
I went to Ocean Park.

2. Who did you go with?
I went there with my family.
3. what did you do?
I watched the pandas and rode on the roller coaster.
4. How did you feel?
I felt excited and happy.
5. What do you like to do in summer holiday?
I would like to go swimming and visit some interesting places in HK.
6. What is your favourite hobby?
My favourite hobby is swimming because it is healthy.
7. What is your favourite subject? Why?
My favourite subject is Music because I like singing very much.
8. Where do you have (your favourite subject) lessons?
I have my favourite Music lessons in the music room at school.
9. Where is it?
It is on the second floor of my school.
10.Where is the (e.g. library)?
It is on the ground floor.
11.What can you do there?
I can read books and surf the net in the library.
12.What do you want to do when you grow up?
I want to be a doctor when I grow up.
13.Do you want to be a good citizen? Why?
Yes, I do. It is because I think only good citizens can contribute the
society and make it stable and happy.
14.What should you do to be a good citizen?
I should obey rules and laws.
15.What birthday present will you buy for your father? Why?
I will buy a wallet for him bucause his wallet is very old.
16.Where can I buy a drink when I am thirsty?
I can buy a drink at the tuck shop.
17.Do you put your litter in the bin? Why?
Yes, I do. It is because I think a good citizen should keep places clean.
18.What can you help at school / home?
I can help teacher to give up exercise books at school. I can help my
mother to sweep the floor at home.
19.Do you think you can grow watermelons in your house? Why?
No, I don't think so becasue watermelons are very big and my house is
small. Also, I don't know my house a suitable environment for growing
20.What did you do in your last camp?
I had a barbecue with my friends and did some water sports in my last
2008-03-13 5:33 am
1. I went to Disney Land
2. I went with my parents and friends
3. I played the machinical games
4. I was very happy
5. I like to relax and play
6. I like to kick football(for boy)I like to read(for girl)
7. PE because I can run about
8. out in the basketball court
9. In our school
12. a teacher(for girl) a football player (for boy)
13. Yes, I do. Because I can work hard and help our community
14. I should follow the laws.
15. A book
16. IN a shop
17. Yes. Because then our community will be clean
18. help out the teacher
19.no. because my house don't have enough place or space to do it
20. I played with me friends

Hope I can help you!
參考: me

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