如果是美國公民, 在香港經保險公司購買基金或投資相連保單, 需要交稅給美國嗎?

2008-03-13 4:21 am
如要, 咁又要交幾多呢?

回答 (4)

2008-03-13 9:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如你長期在海外(美國本土以外)居住,同時想經保險公司購買基金或投資相連保單,咁你只可透過IFA(理財顧問公司)選取OFFSHORE Plan離岸計劃,香港的保險公司投資相連保單是不可以的。(不可以=友X,宏X,保X,萬X....等,當然本土銀行也不可.)

2008-03-28 10:24:12 補充:
2008-03-14 12:23 am
As you are a U.S. citizen, you are subject to the income tax globally. Every year you will need to file the 1040 tax form to the IRS. If you receive any interest income, dividend income, etc. from the funds, you should fill in the information in Schedule B.
If your insurance company is U.S. base insurance, you may inform such insurance company that they will need to do the witholding tax on your interest or dividend income (usually 30%). If you do not inform the insurance company, you may need to pay more estimated tax per quarter in order to avoid to pay the penalty of less estimated tax payment.
If you are a U.S. citizen, I believe you have done the 1040 before. Or, you give to the tax accountant to do in the U.S. Even you do not have the income or dividend income, the appreciation of funds will still need to pay the capital gain tax. So, do not try to hide the investment outside the U.S.
2008-03-13 5:02 pm
你講咁大段我都唔係好明, 仲知係已攞咗綠咭, 入咗籍, 做咗美國公民, 咁買基金係咪賺咗錢都要交稅? 如跟你條link咁講, 單身如果收入是低於US$7864, 就要交10%稅是嗎?
但如我買基金時用香港居民身份買, 係咪就唔駛交呢?
2008-03-13 4:42 am
You are considered a resident alien if you met one of two tests for the calendar year.
The first test is the "green card test." If at any time during the calendar year you were a lawful permanent resident of the United States according to the immigration laws, and this status has not been rescinded or administratively or judicially determined to have been abandoned, you are considered to have met the green card test.
The second test is the "substantial presence test". For the purposes of this test, the term United Stated includes the following areas:

All 50 states and the District of Columbia.
The territorial waters of the United States.
The seabed and subsoil of those submarine areas that are adjacent to U.S. territorial waters and over which the United States has exclusive rights under international law to explore and exploit natural resources.
The term does not include U.S. possessions and territories or U.S. airspace.
Any resident has to pay tax on income received on a global basis.
The tax rate is in this web-site.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:29:24
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