About China (can be answered in either English or Chinese)

2008-03-13 3:21 am
Why is China such an uncivilised country?

Why should a city like Hong Kong (which is much superior to China in every respect) lower itself and become part of China??

回答 (3)

2008-03-26 8:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
well, if u r studying Politics, u should hv the ability to think of the reasons wor...
at least u should attempt to think ab't b4 getting an answer, otherwise, u r wasting yr critical thinking.
the questions u ask are so wide..basically, for the first question u can analyse from a few aspects, like historical, political, educational and cultural background, but first u hv to define wt do u mean by 'uncivilised', by what standard? human rights? freedom??
Possible explanations:
historical: China only underwent modern intellectual reform in early 20th century, compared with the western world, so it's still carrying the old historical burden...
political: normal citizens haven't been granted so-called civil rights nor have any idea of what these are exactly, and the devastated aftermath of Mao's era has destroyed the traditional values
educational: without widespread education, people haven't been enlightened nor they know how to act and behave properly, in civilised way
cultural: old Confucius values have been denied in the 60s-70s, but no new guidelines were offered to create a new, modern, civilsed regime

your second question is a bit strange? do u mean because HK 's considered generally to be more civilised, we should be detached from China??
By this logic, then you'd advocate imperialism because the inferior should be subordinated....
but if u think in another way, maybe HK can spread its civilised culture to China and modernise it?

Critical thinking is important for your studies in Politics =) hope u enjoy it!!

2008-03-26 00:25:15 補充:
my answers are really superficial, i'm sure you can even write a whole book on the theme
參考: Politics student in university
2008-03-22 6:44 pm
I am studying Politics in university. Thus, I would appreciate some better answer which actually answer the question (unlike 'Princess Marshmallow') !!

P.S. "uncivilize" (and "realize") spell with a "s" rather than "z" in British English.
2008-03-22 4:45 pm
You are too arrogant, ignorant and shallow, and that is so "uncivilized".
If you really want to know why, you have to read to understand the history, to understand the politics, to understand human, and be maturely wise.
No one can give you an intensive answer here Why China is happening this way or that way.

有因先會有果, 只係針住個"果"去鬧係冇智慧架, 係冇意思架, 係好落後既思想.

If you demand an answer, all I can say is "all things happened for a reason".

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