
2008-03-13 2:44 am

回答 (1)

2008-03-16 8:42 pm
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Japan (Japanese: Japan) is located at east an Asia's island country, the territory by Hokkaido, Honshu, four countries, the Nine Provinces four Oshima and more than 3000 islands is composed. Peripheral for Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, the greater east Asian coprosperity sphere, the Philippine sea, the Pacific Ocean surrounds. Separates the sea and the Russian federation, Democratic Republic of Korea, Rep. of Korea, the People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), the Republic of the Philippines is neighboring. In fable Japan in 660 B.C. on February 11 [1] founding of the nation. “Japan” this word's meaning is “the place which Chaoyang raises”. In Japanese “Japan” a word has many kinds of fictitious name mode of writing, what is most commonly used is “に っ ぽ ん” (Nippon) and “に ほ ん” (Nihon) [2].

Japan is in the world economic giant, is situated the world by the international exchange rate computation's words GDP total quantity second, simultaneously is also the world fourth big export State and the sixth big importing country. In the past Japan implemented the monarchy for a long time, at present for constitutional monarchy system country. After Second World War, promulgates the Japanese constitution is Japan's highest standard, stipulated that Japan is a judicial, administrative, the legislative separation of powers country under the rule of law. Japan's national idea for the constitutionalism principle, the national sovereignty, fundamental human rights' respect, the pacifism, takes Japanese and the Japanese national's symbol by the crowned head emperor of Japan. Japan's population surpasses 120,000,000, is the world population quantity 10th great nation. Capital Tokyo and the peripheral number county constitution's capital circle has occupied 30,000,000 above populations, is one of world biggest metropolis circles.

2008-03-22 15:13:16 補充:
日本(日語: 日本)位於東部亞洲的海島國家,疆土由Hokkaido,本州,四個國家,九個省四Oshima,并且超過3000個海島組成。 外圍設備為鄂霍次克海,日本海,大東亞共榮圈,菲律賓海,太平洋周圍。 分離海,并且俄聯盟,民主黨大韓民國,韓國,中華人民共和國,中華民國(臺灣)的議員,菲律賓共和國是鄰居的。 在寓言日本在660 BC在二月11日[1]建立國家。 「日本」這個詞的意思是「Chaoyang培養」的地方。 在日本「日本」詞有許多种文字假名方式,什麼是最常用的是「にっぽん」(日本)和「にほん」(Nihon) [2]。

2008-03-22 15:13:23 補充:
日本在世界經濟巨人,由國際性組織交換率計算的詞國民生產總值總數量其次位於世界,同時也是世界第四大出口狀態和第六個大輸入國。 在長期被實施君主制的過去日本,當前為君主立憲制系統國家。 在第二次世界大戰以後,公布日本憲法是日本的最高的標準,被規定日本是司法的,行政,立法權力分立國家在法律的統治下。 日本的全國想法為立憲政治原則,全國主權,根本人權的尊敬,和平主義,由日本的被加冠的頂頭皇帝採取日本人和日本國家標誌。 日本的人口超過120,000,000,是世界人口數量第10個巨大國家。 首都東京和周邊數字縣憲法的資本圈子佔領了30,000,000上述人口,是其中一個世界最大的大都會圈子。
參考: me

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