Which U is better ?

2008-03-12 11:42 pm
Would like to know which university in Hong Kong has its
Master Degree programme in IT or Computing studies ??

I mean the programme offering as well as the best graduates.

Any supporting fact, data or report (please quote).

回答 (2)

2008-03-27 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你沒有列明是Taught master degree 還是 research master degree。

本地有好多大學都有IT 或是 CS 的碩士課程,包括港大、中大、科大、理大、城大及浸大。如果以taught master degree 質素計,個人覺得中大及科大的Dept of CS 會比較好,再其次就是港大。

不過你最好詳細看看各院校的course structure, 因為一些比較冷門的科目未必有開班, 例如 computer vision 之類; 反之熱門科目如data mining 就基本上必定有班。所以你須要想一想你在master degree 想讀一些什麼科目。
2008-03-27 10:01 pm
想讀IT or Computing就梗係科技大學好啦.

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