cant go wireless. HELP! (20)

2008-03-12 9:15 pm
i've the USB wireless adaptor, it can search the wireless networks that are available, but i can't connect to any of them (including the network at my home, as well as other unsescured networks). but if i plug in the cable, i can connect to the internet.

i tried:
1) type in the I.P address by myself
2) change password of the router
3) turn off the modem and router, and turn them back on again

nothing works. -_-''

how come/// someone pls help me. thanks

i dont know about the wireless security, basically i just type the password in it. what does q4 mean? sorry for more questions, coz i'm not a computer-typed of person =.= thanks

回答 (1)

2008-03-12 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You hace you state what wireless router you have.... and also, what ISP internet connection you use? Did you set WEP security for wireless access? Did you set the MAC Address list for some equipment only?
I'm sure your modem & router have NO problem when you connect by cable.. but I think your setup on wireless access have problem.. Please check..

1. Your SSID name correct?
2. What wireless security you use? WEP ??
3. Are you sure your 12/16 digital key for WEP input correct?
4. Did you set any MAC address for your USB wireless adaptor?

Good Luck!

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