唔知點用英文寫e-mail 比 host family...

2008-03-12 8:11 am
今日agent 話比我聽 個 host family 會黎機場接我...
而且在我去之前要send 個 e-mail 比 host family 打聲招呼...


想介紹下我係hk黎ge學生, 會在25號黎到佢地屋企住, 仲有係想多謝佢會黎接我...

唔該幫幫我寫做英文... 仲有ge係我唔知開頭 係寫 dear host father and host mother 定係 dear host family... 因為佢地有一個19歲ge囡一齊住...


回答 (2)

2008-03-12 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr. and Mrs. (the last name of your host family),

My name is (your name), and I would like to express my appreciation for your being my host family and allowing me to stay with you on March 25.

I would like to confirm with you that I will be flying from (your last connection point) to (your destination city) on (airline name) flight (flight number), arriving at (arrival time). My agent has informed me that you would be picking me up at the airport, and I am grateful for that.

I look forward to meeting you and your daughter.

(your name)

2008-03-12 1:07 pm

Dear the host family that I am goimg to meet,

Hi, my name is (你个名). I want to thank you for letting me stay in your house for several period of time (翻译:我想多谢你地被我留在你的家中住). I want to let you know that I am from Hong Kong, China (翻译:我想让你知道我是来自香港,中国的). I think that I suppose to be at your country at 25 of March, so I am so excited already because I cant wait to meet you all (翻译:我想我是很应该在3月25号就到达到你的国家了,我好兴奋哦,因为我已经等不及待的想见你们!) (suggestion/建议:写点你想他地知道关于你的事) Thank you again for you to let me stay at your house (翻译:多谢你多一次让我住在你家中). See you on March (在3月25号见)
Sincerely (尊敬你的。。。你个名)
wish you luck la!!
參考: myself

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