
2008-03-12 5:53 am

回答 (1)

2008-03-19 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ship bay outskirts park located at New Territory northeast, including the man-made pond - ship bay fresh water lake, the running water makes a sound such as the places and seven located at ship bay nearby seven Islands. In the ship bay outskirts park flows in nearby the bridal Tan's lingo mountain stream, the plant grows thickly, great variety, but the common animals many are migratory birds and so on heron and red ju gull and herring gull. The ship bay outskirts park three surrounding seases, the central mountain range overlaps, scenery ten point joy person. Supervises besides the big tail bakes the battalion and peace and happiness facility, the ship bay outskirts park is also equipped with the natural education diameter in bridal Tan, briefs the nearby natural ecology.

2008-03-19 14:07:46 補充:
唔知岩唔岩架 xp

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