✔ 最佳答案
Quiche - 加有切碎之火腿、海鮮或蔬菜等的乳蛋餅
Ugli - 葡萄柚與紅橘的配種
Vol-au-lent - 夾肉大餡餅
Watermelon - 西瓜
Xmas cookies - 聖誕曲奇
Yoghurt - 酸乳酪
Zucchini - 美洲南瓜
Japanese rice cake - 糯米團
Japanese deep fried batter-dipped seafood and vegetables - 天婦羅
Japanese type of skewered chicken - 串燒
Milk - 牛奶
Ice-cream - 雪糕
Chocolate - 巧克力(朱古力)
Apple - 蘋果
Orange - 橙
Juice - 果汁
Lemon - 檸檬
Rice - 飯
Chicken - 雞肉
Beef - 牛肉
Egg - 雞蛋
Cake - 蛋糕
Banana - 香蕉
Mango - 芒果
Pineapple - 波羅
Strawberry - 草莓(士多啤梨)
Blueberry - 藍莓
Fish - 魚肉
Pizza - 薄餅
Candy - 糖果
There are more than 30 words , hope me can help you!!