Automatic Page Turner

2008-03-11 12:28 pm
Base on the following website:

Explain how's it work,
how to make something simular to it and
wt is the principle of that (including the main power source and where is it from)

the answer can be either English or Chinese but must be clear enough =]

回答 (1)

2008-03-12 5:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Anapparatus for turning bound pages, the apparatus having a frame; a booksupport assembly coupled to the frame; at least one pickup arm coupledto the frame; a motor assembly coupled to the frame; and a conveyorassembly coupled to the frame. The conveyor assembly has a belt; aplurality of fingers coupled to the belt; and at least one actuatorcoupled to the belt. A subset of the plurality of fingers hold the bookin an open condition. Upon rotation of the belt by the motor assembly,the at least one actuator causes the at least one pickup arm to lift aportion of a page while a subset of the plurality of fingers hold thebound pages in an open condition and turn the lifted page.


As shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, an automatic page turner 20 according to one embodiment of the present invention generally has a frame 22 . A book support assembly 24 for holding a book 26 is coupled to the frame 22 . Also coupled to the frame 22 is a right pickup arm 28 , a left pickup arm 30 and a conveyor assembly 32 . A motor assembly 34 is coupled to the frame 22 by a support 36 . A cover 38 is coupled to the frame 22 and covers the conveyor assembly 32 and the motor assembly 34 . As will be explained below, the conveyor assembly 32 , in conjunction with the right pickup arm 28 and the left pickup arm 30 , are operated to turn pages 39 of the book 26 .

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 12:57:27
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