
2008-03-11 10:38 am








回答 (4)

2008-03-12 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
This live show is for helping some young people who are in confusion. We believe that people's life with experiences are different from each other. The behaviour of rebellion also exists in the people of celebrity and high rank during their young age, that is in-evitable and serves as a lesson towards their success.
We will target at the students of all the secondary schools in Hong Kong. They might be a group of young people at the edge of being deserted by schools or their parents, while they struggle to prove their abilities.
If you are not satisfied with the education from your school and are un-able to make your dis-approval, there is a chance for you to express your ideas. Our programme is to help you understand the real side of the society, to help you in reaching your goal, to be well prepared for your future.
Through the exciting contests conducted in our programme, do you feel like having success in your career, or, studying in schools is the best? The stories with experiences and development will be all shown in our programme.

2008-03-11 23:06:23 補充:
Please note that I put -----........SERVES AS A LESSON TOWARDS THEIR SUCCESS.

That sounds better than to translate it into --------.......SERVES AS A SYMBOL TOWARDS THEIR SUCCESS.

2008-03-12 00:42:53 補充:
YOU CAN READ IT AS; 1. This documentary show
2. This live show

But, in your case, I think---THIS DOCUMENTARY SHOW--- is better.

OR YOU CAN SAY; This documentary and/ or live show........

2008-03-13 10:32:53 補充:
at the top.
參考: I hope my answer is helpful.
2008-03-11 9:06 pm
Introduction to the program
The program recommends this true man show program to save vast and hazy young men of class one, because we believe everyone has different life!A lot of famous persons now, to be it revolt to full of in childhood in they, revolt perhaps but their seeking and promising before becoming famous!

We will carry out voluntarily, explore class this revolt students of one in Hong Kong all Secondary school!They may have been already given up by the school and parents, but want to prove one's own use to the society!

It is for oneself in so if you in education feel it discontented with not have no ability not if making, resisting, so long as you have gallbladder color now, want to prove your ability to the society, consider oneself an unusual Secondary school student!You will get a chance soon!
O our program helps you to know the real society ahead of time, make you find the goal and ideal, make preparation for future!

Through a fierce match of ours,
will they achieve some cause?
Feel reading is best?

Our program will note down their development trully one by one!
參考: Dr.eye
2008-03-11 4:19 pm

另外,我建議你唔好用lorry99816636 譯的去用(lorry99816636 請不要介意,我唔係想攻擊你),因為都好明顯係用翻譯程式譯出黎。翻譯程式去譯一段文字的問題在於佢『直譯』,所以譯出來的那一段英文有大量的文法錯亂與不合邏輯。
參考: 個人意見
2008-03-11 2:49 pm
The program introduced
this honorable person show program saves class of confused young people,
because we believed each people all have the different life!

Nowadays very many celebrity, their childhood all is the fill rebels against,
therefore rebels against possibly only is they becomes famous the front indication!

We can launch an attack on own initiative,
excavates the student from Hong Kong All Middle schools who this class rebels against the time!

They possibly already gave up by the school and the parents,
but wanted to the society to prove own use!

If but therefore you the education which places to oneself feel
the disaffection not to have ability to make the revolt,
so long as now you have courage the color, wants to the society to prove your ability,
self-designated is an extraordinary middle-school student! You very quick can have an opportunity!

O our programs help you to know each other a real society in advance,
Make you find out target and ideal, make good preparation for the future!
Are a game of vehemence through us,
Will they deny to create some kind of businesses?
Or feel study is had better?
Our program will 11 realities record their developments! We can launch an attack on own initiative,
excavates the student from Hong Kong All Middle schools who this class rebels against the time!
They possibly already gave up by the school and the parents,
but wanted to the society to prove own use!

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