關於修改刀模及建立外框 ”urgent”

2008-03-11 4:48 pm
各位有經驗的大大 :

我幫客人做產品的彩套( Color sleeve), 但發現客人長寬各少1 cm, 所以我請客人重新提供建立外框 (客人的artwork 裡的字不是英文, 而是其他電腦裡找不到的字) 及更改尺寸 . 但客人回覆如下 :

The cutting marks are available on the edges of the artwork. The cutting lines are straight, so no problem…

The folding lines are easy to check because the colour changes (white to black etc.).

Pls. check with your vendor I think it is clear now.

請幫我看看那是啥意思呢 ?


Pls. check with your vendor I think it is clear now.

回答 (2)

2008-03-12 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
您好 很高興為您解決問題

The cutting marks are available on the edges of the artwork. The cutting lines are straight, so no problem…

要裁減的地方在作品上都有一個記號可以參考, 裁減皆為直線 所以不會有問題..

The folding lines are easy to check because the colour changes (white to black etc.).

縫合線很好確認 因為顏色明顯的不同( 例如黑色變成白色等)

Pls. check with your vendor I think it is clear now.

應該很清楚了,如果還有問題 請與您的供應商聯絡.

參考: 美國的台裔
2008-03-11 9:38 pm
折線很容易分辨,因為顏色會變 (白色變黑色之類)。

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