2008-03-11 7:18 am
WWE原名WWF( World Wrestling Federation世界摔角聯合會 ),是由美國職業運動傳奇人物"文斯-麥克馬洪( Vincen McMahon )"於1982年將他父親"文斯-麥克馬洪一世( Vincen McMahon Sr. )"於60年代一手創立的"WWWF( World Wide Wrestling Federation全球摔角聯合會 )"買了下來,更名為WWF。但是於1999年10月因與另一個WWF(World Wildlife Federation世界野生動物基金會 )英文簡稱專利訴訟案敗訴,故忍痛放棄使用了20餘年的老字號,更名為WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment世界摔角娛樂 ),並於2002年收購另外2大摔角集團WCW( World Champion Wrestling世界冠軍摔角 )與ECW( Extreme Champion Wrestling )極限冠軍摔角,合併為現今體制龐大的WWE。

以前的WWWF與現在的WWF風格絕然不同,40 年間發生了很大的變化。在80年代以前,WWF是一種和拳擊一樣很嚴肅的比賽,在八十年代最著名的賽事,就是Hogan( 霍根,曾參與美國收視率極高的電視劇「護灘使者」的演出,此劇曾在中國播出 )打敗前奧林匹克冠軍iron Shiek獲得冠軍。Hogan保持冠軍腰帶相當長的一段時間,由於他的影響,WWF逐漸成為美國最受歡迎的體育節目之一。

1982年,Vincent McMahon從他父親手裡買下WWF,之後WWF有了很大的改變,現在WWF是一種表演性質很強的比賽,有很多不同的角色,當然就有生旦淨末丑之分,像 The Rock、Stone Cold是很受歡迎的英雄人物,而HHH、Kurt Angle就是反派人物,但這些角色並不是固定不變的,有時候英雄人物會轉為反派人物,反派人物也可以轉為英雄人物。但正是因為其比電視劇還要跌宕起伏的劇情和連場血戰,使WWF越來越受歡迎,世界各地都開始轉播它的比賽,現在每星期WWF有近5億的觀眾。

WWF於1985年~1995年時到達巔峰狀態,文斯-麥克馬洪所發掘的摔角明星Hulk Hogan(哈克-霍根)、Randy Savage(藍迪-沙比治)、Mr.Perfect(完美先生)、Bret Hart(佈雷特-哈特)…等人在當初可以說是無人不知、無人不曉,在收視率以及票房上更是連勝WCW與ECW,而WCW為了力挽頹勢,便將Hulk Hogan、Randy Savage等人高薪挖角至WCW旗下,這次挖角造成了WWF空前的危機( 當初WCW甚至挖走了WWF的編劇及播報員 ),不過這也讓Vincen McMahon開始重用並塑造新選手,讓現今大家熟知的巨石強森(The Rock)、Triple H、奧斯丁(Stone Cold Steve Austin)、送葬者(The Undertaker)等人有了大顯身手的機會,而這些新人選手,也出乎意料的廣受大眾歡迎,尤其以1998年時拳王麥克-泰森(Mike Tyson)與奧斯丁(Stone Cold Steve Austin)在擂台上大打出手的事件最讓摔角迷津津樂道。

回答 (1)

2008-03-11 7:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
WWE old name WWF (World Wrestling Federation world wrestling federation), is by American professional movement legend character & quot; Wen Si - McMahon (Vincen McMahon) & quot; In 1982 his father & quot; Wen Si - McMahon th (Vincen McMahon Sr. ) & quot; Begins with one's own hands vertical & as soon as in the 60's; quot; WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation whole world wrestling federation) & quot; Has bought down, changes the name is WWF. But because (World Wildlife Federation world wild animal foundation) English abbreviation patent lawsuit lost a lawsuit in October, 1999 with another WWF, therefore endured suffering gives up using 20 remaining years of life old shops, changed the name is WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment world wrestling entertainment), and purchased other 2 big wrestling group WCW in 2002 (World Champion Wrestling world champion wrestling) with ECW (Extreme Champion Wrestling) the limit champion wrestling, merges for nowadays system huge WWE.

Beforehand WWWF and present WWF style 絕 however different, during 40 years have had the very big change. The 80's ago, WWF is one kind with the boxing equally very serious competition, at the 80's most famous sports events, is Hogan (Hougen, once participated in American viewing ratio extremely high soap opera “protects beach messenger” performance, this play once broadcast before China) defeats Olympics champion iron Shiek to win the championship. Hogan maintains champion waistband quite long period of time, as a result of his influence, WWF becomes one of gradually sport programs which the US most receives welcome.

2008-03-10 23:58:44 補充:
仲有d   不過太多擺唔落= =
參考: 我, 我

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