買樓d 雜費點計?

2008-03-11 1:00 am
買樓時要俾既..佣金, 釐印費, 買賣合約律師費 , 轉名契律師費 ,按揭契律師費 係點計架??

係根據樓價而定 or 定價收費??

回答 (2)

2008-03-11 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
佣金, 1% of the buy/sell price. To be sattle once the transection is completed.
釐印費, For less than 2M flat, only HKD100. For the additional amount exceed 2M, it will charge certain %.
買賣合約律師費 , 轉名契律師費 ,按揭契律師費 係點計架??
In general, it cost $5500 to $6500 with morgage.
$4500 to $5000 w/o morgage.
Moreover, you still need to pay the deposit, advance payment for the flat management fee. The Water, Electric, Gas deposite and/or the installation fee, Fire Insurrance of the flat, Govenment rate/Land rate etc.
For details, you shall ask the agent as they had receive the commission and shall have good service to you...!

2008-03-11 17:54:27 補充:
$0--$2M $100
$2--$2,351,760 $100+ 超 逾 $2,000,000 的 款 額 的 10%
$2,351,760--$3M 1.5%
$3M--$3,290,320 $45,000+ 超 逾 $3,000,000 的 款 額 的 10%
$3,290,320--$4M 2.25%

2008-03-11 17:54:32 補充:
$4,M--$4,428,570 $90,000+ 超 逾 $4,000,000 的 款 額 的 10%
$4,428,570--$6M 3%
$6M--$6,720,000 $180,000+ 超 逾 $6,000,000 的 款 額 的 10%
$6,720,000--Above 3.75%
2008-03-12 3:01 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 00:31:32
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