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2008-03-11 12:16 am
路德維希·范·貝多芬(Ludwig van Beethoven,1770年12月17日生於德國波恩,1827年3月26日在奧地利維也納去世),是一位集古典主義大成,開浪漫主義先河的歐洲古典音樂作曲家。貝多芬被後人尊稱為樂聖。
1770年 出身於德國城市波恩一個平民家庭,祖父原籍荷蘭,後移居德國,曾任當地宮廷樂長。他的父親是個男高音歌手,酗酒成性,母親是宮廷御廚的女兒。貝多芬自小就顯露了音樂上的才能。他名字中的「凡」(van)並非德語中的「von」,並不代表任何貴族封號,而是顯示了其家鄉。「路德維希」也正是他的祖父的名字。
1774年 他的父親為了使貝多芬成為像莫扎特一樣的音樂神童,強迫年少的貝多芬學習音樂和長時間的練習鋼琴。
1778年 八歲的時候就開始登臺演出。
1781年 跟隨樂隊指揮奈弗學習巴赫的《平均律鋼琴曲》和作曲。
1783年 任宮廷樂隊羽管鍵鋼琴演奏家
1787年 在維也納與莫扎特會面。
1788年 在一支歌劇院樂隊里作中提琴手
1789年 在波恩大學學習
1792年 在海頓的鼓勵與支持下到奧地利首都維也納深造,藝術上進步飛快。貝多芬信仰共和,崇尚英雄,創作了有大量充滿時代氣息的優秀作品
1795年 他在維也納舉行了第一次音樂會,曲目是第二鋼琴協奏曲,由他本人演奏鋼琴。演出獲得了成功。
1796年 出現耳疾先兆
1803年 完成劃時代的《第三交響曲》,並準備獻給拿破侖。
1804年 拿破侖稱帝,貝多芬撕去了第三交響曲上寫有獻給拿破侖的扉頁,而寫上了一句話「為紀念一位偉大的人」
1808年 同時發表了第五交響曲《命運》與第六交響曲《田園》。
1809年 完成第五鋼琴協奏曲《皇帝》。
1815年-1819年 經歷4年的創作衰竭期。他一方面受到當時歐洲封建復辟的影響,情緒低落,一方面去收集、整理歐洲各地的民歌。
1824年 完成第九交響曲併在5月7日首演,盛況空前。
1826年 侄子卡爾自殺未遂,貝多芬精神大受打擊,健康日益惡化
1827年 3月26日逝世於維也納。
1827年 3月29日兩萬名維也納市民參加了他的葬禮,當局要出動軍隊維持秩序。

回答 (4)

2008-03-11 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Ludwig van the Beethoven,1770 year on December 17 was born in the German Bonn, on March 26, 1827 died in the Austrian Vienna), is a collection classicism accomplishment, opens the romanticism beginning's European classical music composer. Beethoven is politely called by the posterity for Le Sheng.
The biography in 1770 the family background in a German city Bonn common people family, grandfather ancestral home Holland, latter migrated Germany, once was appointed the local palace to be happy long. His father is the tenor singer, the excessive drinking becomes second nature, the mother is the palace imperial kitchen daughter. Beethoven from small has revealed in music ability. In his name “every” (van) in German “von”, does not represent any aristocrat to confer a title upon by no means that but has demonstrated its hometown. “Ludeweixi” is also precisely his grandfather's name.
in 1774 his father to cause Beethoven to become likely Mozart's same music child prodigy, forces young Beethoven to study music and the long time practise piano.
in 1778 eight year-old time starts to appear on stage.
in 1781 followed conductor nai to study Bach "Equal temperament Piano music" and the composition.
in 1783 was appointed the palace orchestra feather key point piano performer in 1787 met with in Vienna and Mozart.
in 1788 was the fiddler in an opera house orchestra in 1789 to study in 1792

2008-03-10 16:19:43 補充:
Can't posi it out 呀,文章太長了
2008-03-11 6:54 am
Luther Vichy Beethoven Fan (whether Ludwig van Beethoven, born in Germany Bonn will it be December 17 one year, Vienna pass away in Austria will it be March 26 one year), it is one that collects classical strong points, European classical music composers who hold the romantic beginning. Happy and holy that Beethoven is respectfullied call by the descendant.
One's life
Come from on Bonn one common people family , city of Germany , one year, grandfather ancestral home Holland, and then migrate to Germany , has taken the post as the local palace happy and long. Father of him pieces of tenor singer, is it get into to get drunk, mother daughter, palace of imperial cook. Ability on the music that Beethoven appears from childhood. He ' von ' of German, represent any noble seal No., but has shown its hometown. ' Luther Vichy ' is exactly his grandfather's name too.
His father, in order to make Beethoven become the music infant genius like Mozart in 1774 years, force young Beethoven to study the music and long-time exercise piano.
2008-03-11 2:01 am
Luther Fan Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven, on December
17, 1770 had been born in the German Bonn, on March 26, 1827 died in
the Austrian Vienna), was a collection classicism accomplishes, the
European classical music composer which held the romanticism beginning
of a matter. Beethoven is politely called by the descendant for Le
Sheng. The biography in 1770 the family background to German city Bonn
common people families, grandfather ancestral home Holland, latter
migrated Germany, once was appointed the local palace happy to be
long. His father is the tenor singer, excessive drinking becomes
second nature, the mother is the palace imperial kitchen daughter.
Beethoven from small has revealed in music ability. In his name
"every" (van) in German "von", certainly does not represent any
aristocrat to confer a title upon by no means, but has demonstrated
its hometown. "Luther quot; also is precisely his grandfather's
name. In 1774 his father in order to cause Beethoven to become likes
the Mozart same music child prodigy, forces young Beethoven to study
the music and the long time practice piano.
2008-03-11 12:23 am
second nature, the mother is the palace imperial kitchen daughter.
Beethoven from small has revealed in music ability. In his name
"every" (van) in German "von", certainly does not represent any
aristocrat to confer a title upon by no means, but has demonstrated
its hometown. "Luther" also is precisely his grandfather's
In 1774 his father in order to cause Beethoven to become likes the
Mozart same music child prodigy, forces young Beethoven to study the
music and the long time practice piano. In 1778 eight year-old time
starts to appear on stage. In 1781 followed the conductor not to
study Bach Steel Qin tune" and composing music. In 1783 no
matter what palace orchestra feather piano in 1787
met with in Vienna and Mozart. In 1788 made the viola in an opera

2008-03-10 16:24:57 補充:
house orchestra in 1789 to study in 1792 in Bonn University pursues
advanced studies in under Haydn's encouragement and the support to
Austrian capital Vienna, in art progressed very fast.

2008-03-10 16:25:14 補充:
believes republican, the advocation hero, created had massively fills
the current relevance the outstanding works in 1795 he to hold the
first concert in Vienna, the program is the second piano concerto,
played the piano by him.

2008-03-10 16:26:26 補充:
The performance has obtained the success. In 1796 appeared the ear illness omen in 1803 epoch-making to complete
"Third Symphony", and prepared to give to Napoleon. In 1804 Napoleon
proclaimed oneself emperor,

2008-03-10 16:26:50 補充:
Beethoven tore away in the third symphony
to write has gives to Napoleon's flyleaf, but inscribed a speech "for
to commemorate a great person" in 1808 simultaneously to publish the
fifth symphony "Destiny" and the sixth symphony "Countryside".

2008-03-10 16:27:46 補充:
In 1809 completed the fifth piano concerto "Emperor".
On November 15, 1815, his/her younger brother Cull died, Beethoven
became nephew Cull the guardian. In 1815 -1819 year experienced 4
years creation failure time.

2008-03-10 16:28:05 補充:
He on the one hand comes under the
influence which the European feudalism restored at that time, the moodis low, on the one hand collected, reorganizes European each place the
folk song. In 1824 completed the ninth symphony and in May 7 the first

2008-03-10 16:28:22 補充:
the occasion unmatched in grandeur. In 1826 nephew Cull
committed suicide attempted, the Beethoven spirit greatly received
attacks, the health worsened on 1827 March 26 to pass away day by day
to Vienna. On March 29, 1827 two ten thousand Vienna resident attended

2008-03-10 16:28:47 補充:
his funeral, the authority has wanted to set out the army maintenance
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