
2008-03-11 12:12 am
希望盡快answer me


回答 (2)

2008-03-12 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Should pet dogs be allowed in public housing estates?


- human rights, residents should have the right to choose whether they want a pet;

- can punish the owners if their animals pollute the public places, but not stop them from keeping pets;

- not all dogs are noisy; may stop a few species that are annoying only, but not all dogs; also, babies may be even annoying, so shall we ban families from having children too?

- unfair, why dogs are not allowed but other animals are accepted?


- not personal matters, because indoor noise may spread and disturb neighbours;

- as public places are too big, it is not easy to catch the irresponsible dog owners who allow their pets to pollute public places;

- public housing estates are too crowded, and are basically not designed for dog adoption (i.e. the environment is not suitable for dogs; the dogs don't feel good too)
2008-03-11 1:44 am

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