(急) 請幫忙中譯英

2008-03-10 9:37 pm
很抱歉剛剛接到工廠的通知,貨期方面必須要延遲至 31/5/08,比起之前跟你說的日子要再遲 3 星期。希望你能諒解不是我們不想幫你忙,而是工廠方面真的做不來,人手嚴重不足且貨量已經超出負荷,實在無法再提早貨期了,真的很抱歉。

回答 (1)

2008-03-10 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好, 少少意見。

「 I am sorry that just informed by factory that delivery has to be delayed to 31 May 2008. It comes 3 weeks later than the date you mentioned before.
Please understand that the factory in fact cannot afford the effort that giant output quantity under shortage of manpower. It is really not possible to make any early delivery in the case.
Very apologise for any inconvenience it may caused.
Best regards. 」


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