
2008-03-10 7:32 pm
美國的州立大學學費有分in state 同 out state

1. 請問in state 同 out state 的對象分別是什麼人?

2. 剛移民是否只享居留權沒有公民權利?

回答 (2)

2008-03-11 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國人會為左讀書/工作而搬去第二個州, 如果係外州(out state) 搬黎, 就係out state. 而本州(in state)居民, 自然係in state 的對象.

有關係, 公民/綠卡持有者先可以in state 學費讀書. 外州居民0係當地住夠一年, 學校先會當係本州居民.

可以申請某0的福利(如低收入的福利), 無公民權利(不可投票/用美國passport).

移民後, 要拎綠卡滿一年, 先可以享用in state 學費讀書. 低收入可以嘗試申請學費津貼(www.fafsa.ed.gov). 因為需要稅單申請, 新移民未有美國稅單, 而學校未必接受香港既稅單. 無稅單既話, 學校會要求填多一份表格申報收入/支出. 另外, 學校有eops (or eop) office 幫助低收入既同學, 可以一試. :)

2008-03-12 11:30:28 補充:
1. 當然可以, 自己住滿一年, 夠十九歲, 就可以in state 學費讀書. 父母0係任何地方納稅同你入學無關. ^_^ 我當時俾張綠卡學校既職員睇, 佢睇到我已經住滿一年, 幫我改同退番交多左既學費俾我. 你搵下你想讀間州立大學既website, 佢地都會有資料架. 類似依間州立大學咁 - http://www.csuci.edu/admissions/residency/

2. 申請工卡之後申請綠卡, 我當時入境六個月羅到綠卡. 要睇負責的職員做事快定係慢 :p 據我所知三個月至一年都有.

字數超過限制.... 我email 你 :)
參考: 自己經驗, 自己經驗
2008-03-11 2:59 pm
in USA, each STATE have their own rules and laws. that included the high education system--------- state universities. because the resident in A state pay the state tax. so the resident can benefit the cheaper education. but if a student come from B state, they should pay the higher cost for the school.

the cost differents between in state resident and non- state resident usually is 1 to 3.

you do not require to be a US citizen to enroll Univ. only green card or legel PR is ok.

the in- state resident means if you live in that state more than 6 month in one year. ( some states require you are not a student while you live there.)

the personal tax return is not important because if you have some money, nobody can force you to work, and then you are no need to report tax.

if you over 18 years old, live in A state alone more than 1 year, and your parent live in B state but they did not file you as their dependant in the tax return ( it means they are not supporting your living ). that you are a legel
independant person in the A state--------- you are A state resident.

once you entry USA, your passport will stamp a i-50 seal. that means already a legel US PR, you can use your passport as green card. the green card will be on the mail to you in few months if not lost in the mail.

2008-03-12 11:02:24 補充:
how can you tell people why you have money to spend?
and where it come from?
i still suggest you find some part time job make little income while you in A state. file the tax return.
by doing this nobody can object your statue.
參考: i live in US over 30 years

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