英文作文一問.. 要求中等 吾好太多深字

2008-03-10 5:38 pm
希望有人幫我將以下文字變成英文↓(記事) 3Q 要通順,文字先後不緊要。

玩到大約5:30pm才離去,回到家的時間,阿媽已經在等住我,她說我不應該去沙灘玩的..因我也不會游泳,沒有大人的陪同下,是很危險的,,她責怪了我很久.. 我好深刻的記得..



回答 (2)

2008-03-10 5:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Five years ago, I went to swim in the beach with my friends. There were seven to eight friends that day and we played lots of small games in the shallow water. There were lots of fun.
We left at about 5:30 pm. Mother was waiting for me at the time I arrived home. She said I shouldn't have played in the beach for I don't know how to swim. It's dangerous without the accompany of adults. She blamed me for a long time...I can clearly remember it...
She beat me up hard and I was feeling bad. I went to live in my relative's home for two days and finally I went to live with my mother again when both of us was not that emotional.
參考: Myself
2008-03-10 6:05 pm
This is an unforgettable day of my life. About five years ago, me and my friends went swimming at a beach on a sunny day. There were seven or eight of us. We played many games in the water. We had a lot of fun at the beach that day. We left the beach around half past five in the evening. When I went home, my mother was waiting for me already. She told me that because I do not know how to swim, therefore I should not had go to the beach and play without an adult around. She was very concerned about my safety. I still remember very clear, that she blamed me for a long time then she even hit me. At that time, I felt extremely upset so I ran away from home. I stayed at a relative's for 2 days. I returned home when the two of us calmed down from this argument.

Hope that helps! Good luck :)
參考: Myself

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