
2008-03-10 4:29 pm
在國內設有加工廠的公司若沒有轉廠合同客戶轉廠 , 轉而開增值發票給原須轉廠之客戶 , 對一向原先跟客戶之國內公司轉廠 , 再向香港寫字樓收取港幣貨款之公司(香港)有什麼好 . 壞處?

回答 (1)

2008-03-10 9:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
how can you open an value-added invoice? if yr company is a sub-contracting factory, i think that you did not have right to issue this kind of invoice. You only have a right to issue a SALES INVOICES to receive the service charges.

When you open an value-added invoice, it represents that you sales a physical goods to buyer.

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