POTTY TRAINING bichon frise 5 months desperate?

2008-03-09 2:32 pm
We got him 2 months before and we've been trying to potty train him, but he just keeps on going to the same place and i clean the place thoroughly everytime he goes with those special cleansing sprays for dogs. He is really obedient so i really dont get that why he cant get the idea to go on the newspapers. I say NO and BAD in a loud and fiercesome tone and make him smell his own droppings. he never went on the newspapers so i never go the chance to praise him when he did it right.

ppl say that it will be very hard to potty train him after 1 yrs old

回答 (6)

2008-03-09 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Crate training and food. Whenever you can't be there to monitor your puppy's whereabouts, it's helpful to crate train, meaning he is in a crate whenever you can't watch him, like at work, school, or at night. You give him some food and water and a blanket. When it's time to go out, you immediately put him outside, and praise his efforts. You can use food for this, like turkey dogs cut into 1/4's or training biscuits. After awhile, he won't require so much crate time. Dogs rarely go in their crates. That has largely been my solution in my years of dog ownership, and it works really well. My little girl doesn't have to use her crate very often anymore.
2008-03-09 10:01 pm
PROBLEM you are pointing out all the bad to your puppy. Is the newspaper in side? if so... put it out side. i find its all about positive reinforcement. I have trained two dogs over the age of 3-4 and yes it takes longer and patients and hard work but it does happen WITH positive reinforcements. When training you need to keep a close eye on your puppy they do things just before they are about to pee or whatever and once you have picked up on it once you see your puppy doing the thing you can quickly but happily rush him outside to do his business, do not let him back inside until he has done it, stay out with him and encourage, use a word that you will keep (i personally use piddle (lol)) then once he is done be so ridiculously happy and over joyed praise and pat cuddle whatever keep doing it for at least a month or two and he will slowly understand what it is you want him to do, you do not even need treats.
You can do it just be patient and HAPPY!!! always happy and smiling and high pitched voice make him excited, yes you will look silly but its fun and he will have fun doing it.
Good luck, hope this helped
2008-03-09 9:47 pm
Try wee-wee pads and put them in the spot where he is going to the bathroom, the sprays don't work their sense of smell is highly developed and they can smell right through the spray, when he goes to squat, don't say anything to him, pick him up quickly and place him on the wee-wee pad, when he goes on there praise him highly. Also try putting his stool or urine on the wee-wee pad, yelling the word no, makes him think it's bad to go potty and making him smell it does absolutely nothing, dogs don't think that way. Good Luck!!
2008-03-09 9:47 pm
Since he keeps going in the same spot, you need to make that spot unavailable. In doing so you don't want him to select another spot. Crate training is what I strongly recommend. Most dogs won't soil where they sleep and/or eat which is the reason it usually works. Also, be sure to take him out to potty several times a day.
2008-03-09 9:44 pm
try putting newspaper where his peeing or cut a lemon in half and place it on the spot his going it works for cats also about an hour after you feed him take him outside n dont bring him back in til he pees i dont know how you would get him to use news paper as thats normally a cat thing not really for dogs they really need to be able to go outside and round around but just keep an eye on him and if he looks like his going to relieve him self then tak him outside but if he bets you to it give him a NO and a smack then put him in a room alone for 5 mins my maltese pee'd on our kitchen floor when he was a pup we said No smack then put him in the laundry for 5 mins while we cleaned up his never done it again.
good luck
參考: me
2008-03-09 9:41 pm
There can be no real answer to this question, only open ended debate.

Shock collars, actual "shock collars" are so rarely used by so very few trainers that I am almost obliged to ask where you might have seen one, let alone seen one used in a training set-up.

"E-collars," on the other hand, are so readily avalable as to be able to find them at your local WalMart store. And I am almost sure that as soon as Hartz/Mountain finds a way to securly display them they will be available from your local grocery store.

So which are you asking about? Shock collars or e-collars?

Edit: Straight away, Terrier, we may have two problems with discussing this issue.

Firstly, the U.S. "citizen" has a much different mindset than that of Her Majesty's Loyal "subject." Secondly, we are two country's separated by language.

EXAMPLE: I would not be in favour of any law prohibiting the use of a "shock collar" simply because:

1) I don't believe that there are very many being used, and I am having a hard time believing that trainers in the UK are using them to any greater extent than 'rarely;' and
2) When they are used, its generally because all other training protocols have been tried and failed - and the 'problem' really needs a solution or the dog will have to be destroyed. And when it comes down to that decision, my mindset tells me that it is the dog owner's decision to choose its use, not the government's place to prohibit it.
3) Besides (and this is huge), anyone that knows how to use a "shock collar" will not be going to the local store to buy one ... as there are no commercial manufacturers for the device (at least not in the USA) ... the trainer that is faced with using it as a last resort option will have to rig one up himself. So, even if there was a law prohibiting its use, enforcement would ne next to impossible to manage.
4) UNLESS (and here comes the language part of the problem) you are trying to put "shock collars" and/as "e-collars" under the same label. That, my friend, is to invite, if not insure, the potential for abuses to dogs. How?
5) Because by removing the commercially made and public available 'e-collar' from easy access ... the desperate owner has no "last resort choice" but to turn to the shock collar. A choice that was minimized with the introduction of the very affordable, and very available e-collar. Ergo,
6) Consider this carefully ... if you remove lawful, convenient, ready access to the e-collar, then the desperate owner will have no choice but to employ the use of a shock collar (there is no way to prevent the use of a shock collar if the desperate owner chooses to use it).
7) Ironically, it is the e-collar which gives this particular owner a safer option to first explore.
8) The ban you are contemplating actually serves to remove that safer, more humane, option.
9) How insane is that?!
參考: you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time http://alllinthis.blogspot.com

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