
2008-03-10 7:21 am

rhdiddl , thank you very much for your detailed reply. May I know what passport you held when you entered Panmunjom on those two previous occasions? Did the travel agent check your passport or did you have to explain your status to them?

回答 (1)

2008-03-10 2:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is wrong that 中國人(包括香港人)是不能進入板門店.

香港人 holding HKSAR passport or British Passport can enter 板門店. 100% sure.
香港人 holding BNO passport should be able to enter 板門店 because BNO passport is issued by UK. BNO passport may enter Korea for 90days without a visa and it may travel.

My Chinese friends holding 中國 passport entered 板門店 but they have got the the approval of 中國駐韓領使 before they take the trip. Chinese people visiting Korea cannot goto 板門店 because they have no time to apply for approval.

2008-03-10 19:45:55 補充:
Sorry, l did not go there with travel agent.

l went there with US army and they checked my passport when l booked the tour. For my friends they just present their passport when they go into the border. If passport not ok, they simply reject you. No room for negotiation as they are are US army.

2008-03-10 19:49:29 補充:
The 2nd time l went there with another organisation. We have all our passport information submitted 1 week before we go there. My friends holding Chinese passport also submitted the info and the organisation did all application and approval for them.

2008-03-10 20:01:46 補充:
May be you have to explain to the travel agent that BNO holders do not need visa to enter Korea for 90days travel and BNO is issued by UK. Show them the immigration chop. If they still have doubt, talk to their manager. lf they are travel agent doing Panmunjeom trip, they should know it.
參考: l have been to Panmunjeom twice.

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