quadratic equation

2008-03-10 6:46 am
more about quadratic equation

Pls help. I just want the formula to do .
or u may help me to solve

Solve the following equation:

1. 6x-√x-2=0

2.If the area and the perimeter of a rectangle are 360cm^2 and 78 com respectively, find the dimensions of the rectangle. (I duno whether there are two equations, but i only want to hv one euation)

3. the sum of a number and the five times of its reciprocal is 6. Find the possible values of the number. (let the x? i don't know wt is "the sum if a number- -""that means two numbers?)

回答 (2)

2008-03-10 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.let y = x^1/2



y=2/3 (y=-1/2 rejected)


2. let x be the length and y be the width.


2x+2y=76 x+y=39 x=38-y (i think it should be 76)





y=18 or 20

3. let x be the number,





x=5 or1
2008-03-10 7:13 am
(3√x +2) (√x -1) = 0
√x= -2/3 or √x = 1
x = 4/9 or x = 1
Let x be length of rectangle,
the width of rectangle = (78 - 2x)/2 = 39 - x
x (39 - x) = 360
x^2 - 39x + 360 = 0
(x - 24) (x-15) = 0
x = 24 or x = 15
when x = 24cm, y = 15cm
when x = 15cm, y = 24cm
Let the number = x
x + 5/x = 6
x^2 + 5x -6 =0
(x + 6) (x-1) =0
x = 1 or x = -6

2008-03-09 23:15:30 補充:
(3) Revised the answer
Let the number = x

x + 5/x = 6

x^2 - 6x + 5 =0

(x - 5) (x-1) =0

x = 1 or x = 5

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