
2008-03-10 4:43 am

回答 (4)

2008-03-10 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1226南亞大海嘯? 當時看到情況真的好想去參加救援醫療隊, 但上級不讓我們那隊人去 -_-!

當時他們情況非常無助... 如果你有看過新聞片你應該知道, 再非常時期某些地區海陸空交通和基本設施全被破壞, 很多人死亡和受傷, 印尼/斯里蘭卡自己又資源不足, 很需要外國援助...

那時候屋子全部被剷平, 有的人的家只剩一片空地, 有的人全家都被海嘯奪了命, 只剩他一個... 我看過一些紀錄片講述他們有一些人在重建階段為了平復心靈傷口積極地參與重建工作, 甚至當起了義工幫助那些更需要幫助的人...

現在東南亞地區住在海邊的人還不能走出陰影, 一有什麼風吹草動就會跑到山上躲起來, 以免被海嘯卷走...
2008-03-25 5:07 am
I think number 1 & 2 answer this question by copying things, and as you write that "please write in chinese" they write in english, so it mustn't give them points!
2008-03-20 1:26 am
I think this is really great to the SUNAMI but lots and lots of people were died and hurt by it. A lot of them were not with their family after it because some of them had died and some of them were flushed away by the sea water. That's really really poor about that.
參考: Myself
2008-03-10 4:55 am
no feeling at all coz i have never, for heaven s sake, experienced a tsunami in person before. actually, you should do the homework by yourself. read the newsclip and try to feel what those victims felt.

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