
2008-03-10 4:40 am
最好中英對照~ Thx

回答 (3)

2008-03-13 7:54 pm
citysuper的食譜最多最完善, 又有video同各類食譜, 而且中英都有.

2008-03-12 4:38 am
法 式 燉 蛋
材 料 : 150 克雞蛋, 280 克蛋黃, 130 克砂糖, 500 克鮮忌廉, 500 毫升鮮奶, 1 枝雲呢拿

做 法 : (1) 雞蛋和蛋黃先拂勻。
(2) 煮熟鮮忌廉及鮮奶,加入已去籽的雲呢拿枝煮片刻,再加入 (1) 的蛋液及砂糖拌勻,倒入碗中,放焗盤上,座熱水以 150oC 焗四十五分鐘,待冷雪凍。
(3) 食時灑上砂糖,用火槍燒溶糖面及呈微金黃色即可。

備 註 : (1) 燉蛋的時間不能過久,要掌握得好口感才會嫩滑。
(2) 用雲呢拿枝能帶出蛋的香味。

Creme Brulee

Ingredients : 150g Egg
280g Egg yolks
130g Sugar
500g Fresh cream
500 ml milk
1 stalk vanilla stick (remove the seed)

Method : (1) Beaten the egg & egg yolk.
(2) Boil the fresh cream & milk. Then, add in the vanilla stick & cook for a while. Then, add in ingredient (1) & sugar. Mix well & pour it into the bowl. Place the bowl onto the oven tray with hot water underneath & bake at 150oC for 45 mins. Cool down & fringe.
(3) Sprinkle with sugar on top of the creme burlee. Use the Bunsen burner to make it golden. Ready to serve.
參考: http://www.joycekitchen.com/ internet

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