框架協議 和 協議 兩個詞有甚麼分別

2008-03-09 11:36 pm

是不是太冷門呢?還沒有人回應。 只好延長多五天吧! 你知有甚麼分別嗎?

回答 (1)

2008-03-15 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「框架協議「一詞, 應是由 「Framework Agreement」 譯過來的. 其意思似乎是協議雙方的初步協議, 同意在合作發展某事物上, 雙方各自應如何在人力資源等方面如何配合, 但這協議比正式的協議或合約較少束縛, 不算得是合約 (contract), 因似乎合約既有較多的細節具體規限, 而框架協議就好似是發展中的計劃書, 使雙方知道應如何繼續合作下去. 找到以下有一段英文資料, 有興趣的話請細看:

What is a Framework Agreement?

2. The current Utilities Directive, and the proposed consolidated public sector Directive, both define a framework agreement as an agreement with suppliers, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and quantity. In other words, a framework agreement is a general term for agreements with suppliers which set out terms and conditions under which specific purchases (call-offs) can be made throughout the term of the agreement. The framework agreement may, itself, be a contract to which the EC procurement rules apply. This would be the case where the agreement places an obligation, in writing, to purchase goods, works or services for pecuniary interest (or consideration in UK legal terminology). For this type of agreement, there is no particular problem under the EC rules, as it can be treated in the same way as any other contract.

3. However, the term is normally used to cover agreements which are not, themselves, covered by the definition of a contract to which the EC rules apply (though they may create certain contractually binding obligations). Such agreements set out the terms and conditions for subsequent call-offs but place no obligations, in themselves, on the procurers to buy anything...

2008-03-15 15:27:09 補充:

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