EXCEL 功能一問

2008-03-09 8:59 pm
1) EXCEL 中的篩選功能是否只可縱向 (打直) 篩選,可否做到橫向的呢??

2) 有何方法可快速地將EXCEL 中欄的資料變列, 列的資料變欄??

回答 (1)

2008-03-10 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) It's not possible to do 橫向 filtering.

2) You could copy the whole column or whole row, and then right click choose PASTE SPECIAL.Just check the box called "transpose" and OK.

For example if you copy data in Column A (data from A1 through A10) , just copy and paste special and transpose the data in Cell A1, the data will paste from Cell A1 to Cell J1.

You can just the transpose function to change how to present the data.

I hope that helps. Let me know if there's any problem.=)

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