
2008-03-09 8:57 pm
1 A和B是週期表中原子序低於20元素。下表顯示它們的氯化物的一些性質

氯化物 ACl--------熔點/。C :801------ 沸點/。C :1413------熔融狀態時的導電性: 良好

氯化物 BCl4------- 熔點/。C : -69--------沸點/。C :58--------熔融狀態時的導電性: 不導電

a) 寫出該兩種化合物固態時的名稱
b) 解釋A氯化物和B氯化物熔點的差別
c) 解釋該兩種化合物在熔融狀態時的導電性的差別

回答 (2)

2008-03-10 4:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
a)ACl:A chloride, BCl4:B tetrachloride
b)There are electrostatic(靜電) force between A+ ions and Cl- ions,but only week van der Waal's force(范德華引力)between BCl4 moleclues.Since ionic bond is stronger than van der Waal's force,more heat is needed to break the attraction force between ionic structure of ACl than week van der Waal"s force of BCl4.
c)In molten state ACl have mobile ions:A+ and Cl-,but no mobile ions in molten BCl4.
參考: Myself
2008-03-09 9:50 pm
a. ACl - Giant ionic structure
BCl4 - Simple molecular structure

b. ACl has a high melting point, which results in a solid state in room conditions, but BCl4 has a low melting point and it is in liquid state in room conditions.

c. ACl conducts electricity in molten state, but BCl4 does not conduct electricity in molten state.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:47:38
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