(急)Mircosoft Office 軟件一問

2008-03-09 8:03 pm
我部電腦 之前洗左機之後就冇哂PowerPoint 個d..
呢排返緊學 好多份功課都要用到PowerPoint個d軟件..
想問 如果買返個正版Mircosoft Office 咁買邊隻會好d?(2003,2007)
同埋Mircosoft Office 係咪已經包哂powerpoint,Exceal,word文件??
想知道大概要幾錢到?? 有冇d 又實用又平..

唔該您呀.. 仲想問我學校係用mircosoft office既powerpoint.. 如果我用next office 做既簡報 咁返到學校開返出黎.. 會唔會開唔到??

回答 (2)

2008-03-09 9:12 pm
Office 2007師生家用版就要1200到。
Office 2003就平一半啦,自己諗諗啦。
2008-03-09 8:22 pm
Mircosoft Office 係已經包哂powerpoint,Exceal,word文件.

I suggest 2003, as 2007 is totally diffrent from 2003(it saves as *.docx and not *.doc). Unless your school is using 2007, I will recommend 2003.

The price... around 500-1500, I don not know the exact price.

Also if you think that you cannot afford, you can choose to use Star Office which is free to download. It is simmilar with MS office and you can save files in *.doc format without any problem.

Em... It seems that I have answered all your questions. What I suggest you is to use Star Office or MS Office 2003. 2007 is totally not that good as you think if you are going to use office to do homeworks.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 14:31:39
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