
2008-03-09 6:48 pm
My wife and I are not living together. It's because she wanted to find a stable job before my migration. So far my wife has been working as a nurse and a personal care worker in different institutions individually. So we agree that it is the right time for my migration.

回答 (2)

2008-03-09 7:35 pm
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My wife and me(I 只可以用在句首) are not living together. (不能住在一起, 跟找一份工作.....好像不合羅輯 , 或者 補一句 ) So I bought a house for us but she want to find a stable job before migration. (這裡有點感覺中文硬譯英文, 所以我改一下)So far my wife had two jobs that she is nurse and personal care worker in differnet institution. (再次不合羅輯) So we agree that it is the right time to quit one.
2008-03-12 3:51 am
我妻子和我一起不是生存。因為她想找到穩定的工作在我的遷移之前。到目前為止我的妻子單獨地工作,作為一位護士和一名個人關心工作者用不同的機關。如此我們同意, 這是正確的時期為我的遷移。

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