
2008-03-09 4:59 pm
1.What did you get this book?

2.What is the title of the book?

回答 (3)

2008-03-09 7:32 pm
1.What did you get this book?
2.What is the title of the book?
2008-03-09 5:15 pm
1.What did you get this book?
如要問地方:Where did you get this book?
A:I got this book from ......
e.g.:I got this book from the school library.
如要問時間:When did you get this book?
A:I got this book ......
e.g.:I got this book yesterday.
如要問有何得益:What did you get from this book?
A:I got ...... from this book
e.g.:I got that I should be honest from this book.
如要問怎樣得到:How did you get this book?
A:(many different kinds of answers)
e.g.:I stole it from my parents.
:I borrowed it from the library

2.What is the title of the book?
A:The title (of the book) is ......
e.g. The title (of the book) is Harry Potter.
2008-03-09 5:13 pm
** just want to correct something here.
it should be WHERE did you get this book. (你在哪裏得到(買到)這本書的?)
WHAT did you get this book??? the grammar is correct, but it does not make sense. unless you ask What did you get FROM this book that means what did you learn from this book. But What did you get this book....?? I think you are trying to say where did you get this book?

answer: I got this book from a book store.
I got this book from the school library.
I got this book from _____(location)_______.

2. What is the title of the book? 這本書的書名是什麽?

The title of the book is Snow White.
the title of the book is Harry Potter.
The title of the book is ___________(the name of the book)_________.

2008-03-09 09:16:36 補充:
one more thing...
to the person above my answer:
it's LIBRARY not liberary
spelling mistake.
參考: myself

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