feel so hurt!!

2008-03-09 9:46 am
i have been with tis man 4 10yrs....but becoz tat both of us r divorced so if we really 1 2 registed of marriage 1 of us have to sell our flat..juz becoz of tat we not marry...but we have a daughter of 3 yrs old...but in tis mth i found out tat he is having a affair with a fat women ,he borrow 90k sg dollar from her and yet he let her and her daughter stay together with him ...i really feel very hurt tat he dun even bring my daughter to his house be4...once i found out the truth he beg me to bear with it 4 2 yrs..he will come back to mi...i know tat i cant belive him anymore but i still cant get over with it ..wat shall i do ......he still 1 2 have sex with mi but ask mi to take the pill..he want mi stay by him dun leave him but he stay together with her but not mi and his own kid ...i feel like going mad now !!

回答 (2)

2008-03-09 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think what you should do is to tell him what you feel and what you know. If you dont want to do this then you should not have sex with him because you will just get pain from him. Maybe you should take your daughter with you and flight to somewhere else to escape but live free without him. Then do something that you can do for your child. Support your child and dont let her down because this problem might lead to a problem for a young child too. So I really will support you if you run away. I didnt came over with that problem but that is what I will do if someone did this to me. I hope you feeling alright.
參考: my opionion
2008-03-21 6:38 am

發問者 Sally的境況真是很令人同情,她的發問內容放到「男女關係」那一欄會好些。唉!感情事,當局者迷,求助於專業做家庭輔導的社工(各區社會福利處、家庭福利會轄下中心、明愛機構的婚姻輔導中心.........等等),他們受過專業訓練,接觸個案多,經驗豐富,比起我們這些網友,可能更能幫到她。

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