
2008-03-09 8:37 am

回答 (4)

2008-03-16 5:50 am
如果您有本, 買股票最容易賺錢, 當然有一定風險, 坦白講冇免費午餐ge, GOOD LUCK
參考: 自己
2008-03-11 7:01 am

介紹你䏲吓呢個網,或者有D新思維 www.wfh1638.com
2008-03-09 10:50 pm
2008-03-09 9:15 am
Buy 'Mark Six' every draw HK$20 every time
Buy '3T' every race HK$10 each time
Gamble on football match (HK Jockey Club) the least money
Macau? I'm afraid you will lose your control, if you can control yourself to only HK$300 or below
Buy/sell foreign exchange margin
If your salary is high, then just save as much as you can (at leastHK$27778/month) because 27778 x 12 x 3 = 1000008
Make money from a business (you become a businessman/businesswoman)
Sell brilliant ideas to a big company (but you must register this idea first)
Be a financial consultant in private banking/rich bosses
Get married with a rich guy/girl
Find a source of fuel by yourself eg 油田,天然氣,new sources of fuel
Find diamonds/gold/other precious stones/metals by yourself
Invent something
Take photos that media must have interest to buy
Be a superstar
Be a famous singer
Be a famous actor/actress
Be top rank of any profession

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