
2008-03-09 8:11 am
幫幫幫幫幫我譯"反叛期" 英文是什麼~~解釋!!!!!!

回答 (7)

2008-03-09 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
A rebellious time/A rebellious period
e.g. Teenagers are commonly with rebellious behaviour during their
rebellious time/period.

2008-03-09 05:29:29 補充:
e.g. The age of rebellion usually occurs during pre-adulthood.

e.g. Nobody is faultless and every adult would have his/her own rebellious period of time.
參考: I will give you additional information shortly and hope my answer will be helpful.
2008-03-09 7:20 pm
simply put:

Going over a rebellious stage or period.

When one not content or happy with what is happening around him/her, one reacts in a rebellious way to show ones disapproval.
參考: self
2008-03-09 4:04 pm
Tackling the teenage crisis. Helping parents survive adolescent rebellion.
A good web-site in English on this issue.
2008-03-09 1:18 pm
rebellious (adj.) =反叛
rebellious period=反叛期

ex. this teenager is rebellious to his parents.
2008-03-09 8:32 am
Rebels against the time
2008-03-09 8:20 am
反叛期的英文是 Rebels against the time
2008-03-09 8:17 am
Rebels against the time反叛期

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