本人是香港永久居民, 十年前有一同居男友,其間和他生有一對子女,今年已經十發,在八年前呢個男人已經失去聯絡.......在2004年結識了一加拿大籍男子.在2006年我到加國注?結婚. 後我回到香港繼續照顧子女的生活.丈夫也在加國照顧年紀已有94高年的父親,2007年在香港見移民官,被拒的原因懷疑我和前男友關系還未清楚,說我了移民而結婚....丈夫唯有在加國上訴.到今上訴日期還未到, 丈夫想我和子女到加國等待上訴結果本人有以下問題. 希望有心人能解?我的疑問.
1 子女已經有法庭的離境令.還要其他手續嗎?
2 到加拿大入境的時候會被拒入境嗎?到時律師能邦到我嗎?
3 到了加國子女能申請到校讀書嗎?
4 上訴批准了之後要回香港辦手續嗎?望你們邦邦我們夫妻都很無奈.....
回答 (3)
在妳字裡行間我覺得妳可能有瞞騙成份, 可能妳最終目的是想子女到加拿大免費讀書, 妳上訴得值機會只有10%左右, 因為:
1. There's no "Emotional ties" between husband & wife, children & father;
2. You don't have a "Consent from your ex-husband allowing your children
to emmigrate Hong Kong;
3. There's no evidence to show that you have no knowledge of the where-
about of your ex-husband;
Canadian lawyers welcome you to pay for the appeal, the removal of
deportation, and or the Temparary Re-enter Permit if you like.
in 2006, you went to Canada to marry your husband. why you don't let your children go to Canada and whole family then can stay together? because once your husbamd summit the application for you, your legel children also can stay and waitting for the PR. but you chose came back HK with them, it is a BIG question for Canada immigrention officer to suspicious your mariage.
i believe that is the problem why immigretion office not approved your PR,
not the relationship about your ex- boy friend. i do not look good to the appeal, except you start live with your husband from now.
use your HK passport to get in Canada.
your children in Canada, they can go to public school, just show them your mariage and their birth certificate if school asked.
參考: common sense, i live in US
收錄日期: 2021-04-19 16:55:30
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