what is the most taken drug in england and is legal?

2008-03-08 8:30 pm

回答 (10)

2008-03-09 2:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Alcohol then nicotine. Caffeine? I'm not sure whether to make it first or third?

Next up would be common painkillers.
2008-03-09 4:34 am
Caffeine by a long way
2008-03-09 4:33 am
2008-03-09 4:37 am
alcohol or cigs. hell if caffeine is a drug then so is sugar. it's definitely addictive and makes you hyper if you have too much. ooh what about aspirin? can you tell i don't know!? it'll be legal though
2008-03-09 4:36 am
nicotine? caffeine? ethanol?
all three legal
2008-03-09 4:33 am
probably caffeine - and yes - its legal
2008-03-09 4:33 am
Asprin and yes.
2008-03-10 6:04 am
it's called bull*hit and is regularly provided to the whole country by Gordon Brown and his mob....
2008-03-09 4:40 am
2008-03-09 4:35 am
Probably a codiene pain reliver like tylenol1,2,or 3, like they sell in Canada OTC.

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