自己翻譯後的英文文章.. 有沒有錯誤? 另問英文譯法.

2008-03-09 4:18 am

可以指證一下我的錯誤嗎? 謝謝!!

rabbit always ridiculed turtle and said he walk slowly. .It made turtle recalcitrant. He went to challenge rabbit. They had a running competition.

Rabbit was bored and she had nothing to do so she respond to have a competition. They found clever fox and fair donkey to do judge.

'GO!' The competition started. Rabbit ran and ran. She ran very fast and turtle couldn't saw her. However, turtle very strive. He walk and walk and walk, he did not spend time to glance right and left. Rabbit ran a while and stopped. She was going to sleep a while.

Turtle walked slowly. His eyes watched the front only. At last, 黃天不負有心人.He went to terminal point frist.

'' Where is rabbit?'' Fox asked donkey.

''I don't know. I think rabbit ran very fast, so she went to here first. She went back home now.'' Donkey said.

They declare rabbit won the running competition. Because of turtle never spent time to glance right and left so he didn't know the truth. However, even though he know the turth. No one will believe him.

另外, 請問


2. 教訓:在世人心目中,勝利並不屬於努力不懈的人。

這2 句的英文應該怎樣譯??? 謝謝。

兔子時常笑龜走路慢吞吞。龜很不服氣,終於向兔子挑戰,要跟他賽跑。 兔子閒極無聊,終於答應了。大家選了精明的狐狸和正直的驢子做公正。 一聲號令,兔子便向前跑得無影無蹤。龜一直努力不懈,勇往直前,爬呀爬呀,從不花精神左望右望。兔子跑不到一會,便停了下來,躺在路邊睡一覺。 龜慢慢地向前爬,眼睛直向前望,不斷的向前爬,終於,皇天不負有心人,他率先步過終點線。 「阿兔在那裡?」狐狸問驢子。 驢子說:「我不知道。他一定是跑得極快,先來到了這裡,現在早已回家去了。」 於是大家裁定兔子勝利了。龜因為從不向左右望,不知道實情,無法糾正他們的錯誤。不過即使他知道了,也不會有人相信他。

回答 (1)

2008-03-09 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
rabbit always ridiculed turtle and said he walk slowly. .It made turtle recalcitrant. He went to challenge rabbit. They had a running competition.
(rabbit always ridiculed turtle and said that he walks very slow. It made turtle so recalcitrant that he went to challenge rabbit in running.)

Rabbit was bored and she had nothing to do so she respond to have a competition. They found clever fox and fair donkey to do judge.
(Rabbit was bored and she had nothing to do so she approved to have a competition. They asked clever fox and fair donkey to be judges.)

2008-03-08 21:02:12 補充:
('GO!' The competition started. Rabbit ran so fast that seemed like she vanished within a second. However, turtle was very striving against the fact, he walked and walked and walked, he did not waste time to glance right and left. Rabbit stopped running and to sleep for a while.)

2008-03-08 21:02:38 補充:
(Turtle was walking slowly when his eyes watched the front only. At last, he went to the terminal point first, because he kept holding on the race and god will bless him.)

('' Where is rabbit?'' Fox asked donkey.)

2008-03-08 21:03:09 補充:
(''I don't know. I think rabbit must have run very fast, so she went to here first then she was already home now.'' Donkey said.)

2008-03-08 21:03:19 補充:
(They declared that rabbit won the running competition. Because turtle had never spent time to glance right and left so he did not know the truth. However, even though he knew the turth, no one will believe him.)

2008-03-08 21:03:26 補充:
2. 教訓:在世人心目中,勝利並不屬於努力不懈的人。
the lesson is..
among the human-being aspect, the winner is not suppose to belong to the struggler.

i dont know how 2 translate the 皇天不負有心人, so sorry about that

2008-03-08 21:05:07 補充:
sorry...i clicked the wrong button, so i had 2 add those replenishments@@
參考: experience of english, experience of english

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