F.4 CHEM 幫下我la~

2008-03-09 3:06 am
In a certain country, sulphuric acid is manufactured by the Contact Process using sulphur as the raw material.
The uses of sulphuric acid in this country are summarized in the following pie chart
(Fertilizer-37% Paints-16% Fibres-14% Soaps and detergents-10% Others-23%)
The stages involved in the Contact Process can be represented by the following
Suppose that the conversion of sulphur to sulphuric acid is 100%
(1)How many moles of sulphur are required to produce one mole of sulphuric acid?
(2)If the annual production of sulphuric acid in this country is 2.6x10^9 kg,calculate the annual consumption of sulphur,in kg,in the Contact Process.

回答 (1)

2008-03-09 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
From the following equations,
S(s)+O2(g)-->SO2(g) ------------------(1)
2SO2(g)+O2-->2SO3(g) --------------------(2)
SO3(g)+H2SO4(l)-->H2S2O7(l) -------------------(3)
H2S2O7(l)+H2O(l)-->2H2SO4(l) -------------------(4)
We get the overall equation
(1) x 2 + (2) +(3)x2 +(4) x 2
2S(s) + 3 O2(g) + 2 H2SO4(l) +2 H2O(l) --> 4 H2SO4(l)
2S(s) + 3O2(g) + 2 H2O (l) --> 2 H2SO4(s)
The mole ratio for sulphur to Surphuric acid = 1: 1
One mole of sulphur required to produce one mole of sulphuric acid.

molecular mass: S = 32.07, O = 16.00, H = 1.008
molecular mass of sulphur = 2 x 1.008 + 32.07 + 16.00 x 4 = 98.086g
No. of mole of sulphuric acid annual production
= 2.6x10^9 / (98.086 / 1000)
= 2.65x10^10 mole
The mole ratio between sulphur and sulphuric acid = 1: 1
The no. of mole of sulphur required = 2.65x10^10 mole
annual consumption of sulphur
= 2.65x10^10 x molecular mass of surphur
= 2.65x10^10 x 32.07
= 8.5x10^11 g
= 8.5x10^8 kg

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