
2008-03-09 2:42 am
e.g 做醫生要讀bio



回答 (3)

2008-03-10 11:39 am
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上面既一位朋友可能對依方面有少少錯誤既理解,其實亦非常普遍,因為實在有太多人誤以為有心理醫生依一種職業。事實上,心理醫生並唔存在... 我岩岩係知識版入面回答左另一個非常相似既問題,轉貼過來希望幫到你


首先, 一定要提既係, 好多人都有個錯誤既觀念, 其實並無心理醫生依一種職業, 心理醫生依個詞語係一般人將兩種性質相近既職業(臨床心理學家及精神科醫生)混淆左而產生。依種錯誤係大陸尤其常見,而係香港,即使係主流報紙亦間唔中會見佢用錯。但對於一般有接觸心理學既人,應該會知道心理醫生並不存在。






我個人覺得無需要太刻意去準備,如果你真係適合依類既工作,你自自然然就會向住依個方向發展落去,如果你唔適合,勉強落去亦唔係一件好事。唯一如果你真係希望可以做D 事,我提議你可以考慮盡量提升自己既中英文語文能力。以臨床心理學為例,絕對需要非常好既語文能力去同人溝通,而且,假設你係行臨床心理依條路,大學讀心理學時,有良好語文能力對自己亦一定好有幫助。
參考: 自己
2008-03-09 5:44 am
中四又無話要讀d 咩ge,
即係art 同science 班都ok.
但上到中六就可以去有得讀心理學psychology ge 學校喇,
我有張list, 係講f.6 有得讀psychology ge 學校
心理醫生都分好幾種, 有d 係臨床心理學家, 提供心理輔導ge;
有d 係心理醫生, 會開埋藥比個patient ge.
o係大學讀心理學 / 臨床心理學, 讀完個degree 就ok.
參考: myself
2008-03-09 2:59 am
It is unnecessary to study AL Psychology or any other subjects before you have entered university.
But if you want to become a psychologist (actually there are many types of psyhcologist), you ought to study psychology in university. Most commonly, you need to study at least to a master degree in a particular field of psychology.

There are several kinds of psychologists, for instance, clinical psychologist, educational psychologist, neurological psychologist, etc.

I am not sure what to study in university, but i know the syllabus being studied in year 1 is very similar to that in AL Psychology.

As I'm studying AL Psychology now, i can tell you the syllabus includes nature of psychology, learning, memory, developmental psychology, psychology of personality, perception and attention, psychopathology, social psychology, individual differences, biological psychology, motivation and emotion, consciousness and scientific methods in psychology

but i think the content will be more complicated in university and more specific in higher years, i.e. specific for a particular area of psychology.

2008-03-13 23:16:29 補充:
Raymond has said that 其實並無心理醫生依一種職業, 心理醫生依個詞語係一般人將兩種性質相近既職業. This seemingly unassailable notion is actually fundamentally FLAWED. I think Raymond is quite hypercritical in this concept. Yet, if you really want to categorize 心理醫生, I think I can provide some suggestions .

2008-03-13 23:16:48 補充:
心理醫生 is translated from english which is psychologists. Psychologist is a general or main category and under which are sub-divided into different fields - experimental, physiological, developmental, social, personality, clincial, counselling, educational psychologist.

2008-03-14 00:39:16 補充:
Clinical psychologist 臨床心理學家 is only one of these types. Psychiatrist 精神科醫生, however, is not a kind of psychologist and should be categorized under doctors.
Therefore, the concept for psychologist DOES exist. I think Raymond should rectify what he has uttered.
參考: myself

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