
2008-03-08 11:08 pm

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 11:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
嚴格黎講係唔得既, 不過, 好多時都過得骨
1) 包裝一定要啤實, 唔可以有味道滲出
2) 包好d, 咪咁易俾人睇到

不過, 美國都有冬菇賣......
2008-03-09 10:25 am
Hi US cannot let ppls bringing any foods to US, however if you can seal it tight, no one (even the police dog) cannot smell, that is ok. Normally if your friend only bring 1 suitcase and 1 handcarry, US custom would not like to check the bags.

If you want to bring more foods to US, you are better to send via post office, it is the safest method.

Hope this information can help you!
參考: living in US

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