aqueous KOH vs. alcoholic KOH

2008-03-08 8:03 pm
for the aqueous KOH,it favours SN rx more than elimination in the rx with haloalkane;
for the alcoholic one, it favours elimination to form alkene.
can anyone explain it to me?

回答 (3)

2008-03-09 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Water is a more polar solvent than alcohol. When water is used as the solvent, OH- ion undergoes hydration (i.e OH- ion is surrounded by water molecule due to the attractions between the OH- anion and the positive ends of the more polar water molecules) to a greater extent. This would sharply decrease the basic strength (the strength of accepting a proton) of the OH- ion. Therefore, elimination is less favorable.

When alcohol is used as the solvent, OH- ion undergoes salvation (i.e. OH- ion is surrounded by solvent (alcohol) molecules due to the attractions between the OH- anion and the positive ends of the less polar solvent molecules) to a smaller extent. This would not much decrease the basic strength of the OH- ion. Therefore, elimination is more favorable.
2008-03-09 1:54 am
001 答案都好亂呢姐。

一個普通勁既 base,點會夠力去搶走人地既 H^+ 出來,變隻好勁既 base。隻好勁既 base 點解會咁禮讓,唔搶番個 H^+ 番呢。

即係話,你話 OH^- 搶走左 CH3CH2OH 個 H^+,變左個勁 base CH3CH2O^- 出呢。咁冇可能格,CH3CH2O^- 咁勁,一定會搶番個 H^+ 走,變番 CH3CH2OH。所以,一個有咁勁既 base,一定唔會變個勁過佢既 base 出呢既!

2008-03-08 18:00:12 補充:
睇清楚 001 個答案,OH^- 唔鬼係個 group,用 covalent bond 黐上個 molecule 度先叫做 group,伶伶仃仃一個帶負 charge 既粒粒叫做 ion。
2008-03-08 9:28 pm
KOH 有ge 係OH- group
一隻算係moderate ge base

alc. KOH
例如 KOH dissolve in ethanol
就出一隻stronger base , CH3CH2O-

RO- 係勁過OH- GE
因為stronger base favours elimination
weak base favours substitution.

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