register 同 registration

2008-03-08 7:07 pm
兩個都係 noun, 有乜分別呢。意思又好似差唔多喎...
可唔可以用 1,2 個 example 解釋一下.. thanks

回答 (2)

2008-03-08 7:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
register 申請、申報資料記錄的意思,一般都係指你要去某機構裡做申請、申報

e.g.1: You needed a new licence, please go to the Transport Team Window to register.

e.g.2: We do not have your detail since you did not register.

e.g.3: If you want to become our member, please register.

registration 帶有申請過程,紀錄資料的意思

e.g.1: The registration period is over.

e.g.2: The registration process is complicated.

e.g.3: How does the registration process work?
2008-03-08 7:39 pm
You can do the registration on the Web-site. - 你可以在網站上登記.

I am going to register for my club card. - 我準備去登記我的會員証.
參考: studying in UK

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